
Speaking Unprepared

So this week was pretty neat.  Here’s a few highlights.

WE FOUND A NEW INVESTIGATOR. They're basically like gold here in the Hawkes Bay. But they're finally starting to come! One last week, we're gonna get another this week, and good things are happening. Here's the problem though, and WE HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO TEACH HIM. AT all. 
"Elder Benjamin. Didn't you have a powerful HTBT and find what he needs? Don't you have the gift of discernment? Don't you just teach the Restoration?" 
Answer: YES.
Here's the problem though.
I studied the Restoration for him and I felt terrible! So, we moved onto something else. But Elder A and I have probably spent 3 hours talking about it and we still haven't felt good about anything. The logical thing is the Atonement but even with all of our prayer and fasting and discussion, the spirit hasn't confirmed it to us. I'm kinda freaking out. But hey. It's all good. Just pray for him. 

Another highlight and the subject of the email. 

Elder A and I spoke on Sunday as we do the 3rd Sunday of the month. Elder A looked really nervous, I asked him why, and he said, "I think I'm supposed to speak on something else." 
I encouraged him to do just that, to follow the spirit and I told him not to worry because I could take the rest of the time. 

So he got up and (I was so proud of him) He gave a completely different talk! Awesome, right? I was super excited for him until I realized that THE SPIRIT TOLD HIM TO GIVE HALF OF THE TALK THAT I PREPARED. What the heck. He gave half of my talk. 

He sat down, we sang the rest hymn, I had 25 minutes to fill, and about 7 minutes of a talk that I could give. Then I realized that I was gonna have to do what I just encouraged my companion to do. 

So on the way up to the pulpit, I prayed and told Heavenly Father that I didn't know what I was supposed to speak on but I knew that He could help me and I was gonna do my best and expect him to do the rest. and I did just that. 

I spoke from my notes and then I looked up at the congregation and just started speaking and the spirit took over. IT was the coolest thing. I filled up the time, gave a powerful talk, and people were visibly affected by what I said. Well, by what the spirit said through me. 

I still don't know what I said. I know the principles I spoke on, but most of my talk wasn't actually me speaking. I didn't even use notes. I just kinda spoke. It was THE COOLEST THING. 

The spirit is real. Heavenly Father answers our prayers. The church is true. 

Elder Benjamin

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