

Kia Ora Whanau!! 

The church is true. 

For several weeks now, I've been feeling like something is missing from my mission experience. I've felt that It wasn't quite everything it should be. Now don't get me wrong, I love my mission, there was just a nagging in the back of my head that said something was wrong. I started to pray about it and couldn't find anything for a week or two so I decided to fast for help. 

At the close of my fast, I prayed and could faintly hear/feel the word Charity. I was pretty sure that's what I was supposed to work on, but I was a little unsure. The next day, I was prompted to read "A Summer with Great-Aunt Rose." It's been one of my favorite talks for a while. As I read, Rose talks about how she turned her life around by discovering faith, hope, and charity. As I read, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with the hope that came flooding into my outlook on my life and the mission. It seemed like the Lord was "holding my right hand" and guiding me on my path. I've started to make this a focus of my prayers and study and it's made the biggest difference in the world. 

I know Heavenly Father answers our prayers. I know He loves us. 

I love you all!


Elder Benjamin



Kia ora whanau!! 

Dunedin became a stake this weekend!! It was the oldest district in the world, and it's finally a stake. There was such a special spirit at the meeting. Elder Pearson, the area president, was there and he gave such a good talk. He spoke about how becoming a stake is a beginning, not an end, how we need to rededicate ourselves to the work. I got to talk to him for just a minute before the meeting too, which was a blessing. 

During the week, we taught an investigator about prayer. In the closing prayer, he thanked Heavenly Father for us and for how nice we've been to him. There's really not anything I enjoy more than hearing things like that from investigators. 

Also. This is what it's like when we go to our member's homes. "Elder's! Have you eaten yet? Here's some tuna sandwiches we made. Oh hey! Here's literally all of our cereal too. Do you want some cookies? Here's some orange juice. Have an ice cream cone! Have another. By the way, how long do you have? We're making chicken and potatoes for lunch!" 

I'm staying in Oamaru for another transfer! Elder F and I are companions still and Elder S
is going back to his area with a new elder.

Love you all! 


Elder Benjamin


General Conference

What I wake up to every morning!
Kia ora whanau!! 

I gotta say, general conference was just about the best thing that's ever happened to me. I felt like I was waiting for Christmas all week. What I was wanting the most as I went into conference was an increased testimony of the Savior and that's just what I got. I was counseled in a blessing that sometimes it's wise to renew my testimony of Him and conference gave me just the opportunity to do that. I loved it. Multiple times I had to wipe away tears because of how powerfully I felt my Savior's love. 

We also had DM with President and Sister Hudson this week and I loved it so much. I had found myself being a little upset that I wasn't having as much "fun" as I thought I should but President told me to not let my expectations ruin the experience. As I've pondered about that, I've started to realize that I can just enjoy what I have in front of me, it doesn't have to be like anyone else's mission before I can enjoy it. It's really helped me calm down and enjoy my time so much more. 

I love you all! 

Elder Benjamin

Waiting for conference



Kia Ora Whanau!! 

I've had companions from Tonga, Phillipines, Samoa, and now Fiji as well. I'm in a threesome for the rest of the transfer. 

We are covering both branches in Oamaru until April 20th. It's the craziest thing. We have one car, two flats, two phones, two branches. Basically, it's like we're supposed to do twice the work with half the time. 

Really the biggest difference is that we have twice as many people that want to feed us. 

I guess I had a baptism on Saturday though!  He's the man. He's a 14 year old Fijian. His mom also told us that she'll go to whatever church her kids end up in. #PotentialInvestigator

I've seen the Lord fighting my battles. It is a huge answer to my prayers.

I love you all!


Elder Benjamin