
Refiner's Fire

Kia Ora whanau! 

Well, my favorite investigator and his less-active girlfriend dropped us yesterday. I was pretty bummed. I still am pretty bummed. Sometimes missions are hard. Did you know? haha. 

I did speak in sacrament meeting about adversity and how it's the trials that we have that strengthen us and then give us the opportunity or skills to help others along the way. So I guess that talk was for me! 

We saw another investigator on Wednesday who said that she was thinking about baptism!! Then we realized that she was talking about a church that was not our own. So I'm flipping out thinking, "Elder Say something!! You're gonna lose her!!" So then I prayed for help. The first thought I had was, "Well, you're not prepared." It was a pretty good wake-up call to make sure I'm actually prepared for all the appointments I have. But then, after a little rebuke, we were able to commit her to hear all the lessons again. Basically, to start over. Such a blessing. 

Well, I hope yous all have an awesome week!


Elder Benjamin
The Bishop from Lexie's last area on her mission in Australia was visiting New Zealand and sent pictures of Jared!


February 15, 2016

Kia Ora Whanau! 

Turns out, this transfer is only 4 weeks instead of 6. I'm already 1/4 of the way done with it. It's wild.

In District Meeting, I found out that I'm the only white person in my district. hahahahaha. I'll send a picture next week. 

On Tuesday, we went to visit a former investigator. As we were walking there, a guy pulled up in his car next to us and asked where the chapel was. He told us that he's less-active, he moved here from Hamilton with his family in September and that he wants to come back to church! He and his wife were there on Sunday. 

Then we got to the formers house. He told us that he wasn't that interested, but his son was. Come to find out, his son,  just moved back from Hastings and he's been taking the lessons already! In other words, other missionaries did all the hard work and then we get to baptize him!! His girlfriend, walked through the room, so we asked if she was interested and she told us that she was actually baptized as she was 12 and went less active. She sat down, and our conversation led to the atonement, which we spent about an hour talking about. 
We're coming back over tomorrow and I'm so excited. 

On Saturday, I wasn't feeling well, so I took a nap. for 4 hours. 

Love you all! 


Elder Benjamin



My awesome district
Kia ora whanau! 

I told Sister M yesterday that I'm convinced that transfers are designed to rip your heart out. 

But I'm staying in the Omahu ward!! I just get sad that other missionaries are leaving. That's all. 

This week was pretty neat. As always. We went over to see one of our investigators, and because the appointments kinda lost some of their structure over time (no real teaching, just answering a lot of her questions and then reading scriptures) we asked her what her expectations were. She told us that she wants to join the church, she just wants the support of her family. Namely her husband. So. I was doing backflips inside while being calm at her table. She's so ready. But please pray that she'll have the strength and support she needs to get baptiz

Another highlight was district meeting. It was really neat. I was praying and studying and pondering all week about how to teach my lesson. I knew I was supposed to teach about Peter being asked by the Savior three times, "Do you love me?" I just didn't know how it was gonna come together. Finally about the night before, it just clicked. All the studying and things that I had learned just came together and it was so clear what it was that I was supposed to talk about: Peter's overwhelming characteristics in life seemed to be love and loyalty. So when the Savior asked Peter about his love, it was a call to become more devoted and re dedicate himself to this cause. The spirit was so strong as I taught and I was so grateful for the help. 

I'm pretty sure that the mission is the coolest idea anyone has ever come up with. Yous should all try it out. 


Elder Benjamin