
Prayers Answered

Sorry the email is a day late! Yesterday was a holiday here in Kiwi land and so the email shop was closed. Hence, the email a day late. 

On Sunday, in Hastings, there was a combined stake young men missionary day. We all went out to teach them how to invite a less active member to a fireside they were having and then we went on splits to do it. After splits, we came back to the chapel and they asked all the missionaries to each teach a group of the young men about chapter one from PMG. I agreed, as did everyone else, but I was really nervous about filling up 25 minutes in class, unprepared, on a chapter that I didn't know very well at all. I turned to Heavenly Father in a silent prayer and pleaded with him to bless me with the spirit and that it would give me what to teach and that it would help me teach a meaningful lesson for these boys. 
We got into our room and I wanted to start out learning every one's names so I could take up some of the time but the spirit told me to get straight into the lesson and teach them about the Missionary Purpose. As soon as I started teaching, the spirit took over. I was able to fill the time completely and teach the young men about what the purpose means and that they need to invite Christ into their own life before they can invite others to come unto him. I ended with bearing witness that he lives and that his atonement is real. It was one of the most powerful lessons I've been able to teach so far as a missionary and it all came from my prayer being answered. It's so clear to me that Heavenly Father is aware of me and He answers my prayers. 

This week has been great. On Saturday, our ward had a baptism for a boy named Hawaiki. We've been going over to have FHE with them for a couple months now. The mom is less active and the dad isn't a member. They all came to the baptism on Saturday and the spirit was so strong. Between the talks and a wet to dry lesson Sister S put together, I was able to testify to everyone that was there that baptism is a saving ordinance and that our Savior lives. Afterwards as we talked to the dad, he told us how strong he felt the spirit and how happy he was for his son. It was incredible. 

Here's something else I think you will like: On Thursday of this week we went to see C and S, but S was the only one there. He's only 12 and we taught him how to pray again. Elder A was giving him examples of what he could say in a prayer and one of the things he said was, "I'm thankful that Elder A is the man." So, as Saxon was praying, he said, "Thankful that Elder A is the man..... and that Elder Benjamin could come here too." hahahahahaha. 

Anyways. I hope you all have a great week! Thanks for all the prayers. 


Elder Benjamin


General Conference

So this week was pretty long. Bad start to the email, eh? It's because I was stuck in the flat sick for Tuesday and Wednesday!! So fun. I was actually confined to the bathroom for some of it... But I'll spare you all the details. 

Because of that, I was really bored and stuff. There wasn't actually much that happened this week because of it. So this will be quite a short email.

One thing that did happen was General Conference. I loved it so much. I've never loved conference so much. Oh my life it was good. A couple things I did differently that helped me enjoy it so much was to go into it with prayerfully pondered questions. They gave me things to look for and focus on. Another thing that helped oh so much was to write notes according to the Spirit, not just writing an outline of the talk like I usually do, haha. It helped me learn so much. 
A few highlights: One was Elder Holland's talk on Mothers. I think one of the best and most brilliant ways we have to learn of the Savior, is to get to know our moms, specifically my mom. I came to the realization that I already know him better than I realized because of her. 
Another was Elder Bednar's talk. I've never had such a powerful witness to me of the divinity of these men and their callings. The spirit very clearly told me that they were prophets of God and they speak as God and the Savior direct. 

Anyways. I love you all!

Elder Benjamin

-I love the Lord-


Last week of transfers

Standing in the sunny rain. COOL.
Today is the first day of my second transfer. What the heck. The time has already gone by so fast and all everyone says is that it just keeps going faster and faster. I'm a little upset it's gone by so fast, to be honest. I want to be able to treasure this time and it's hard to when it feels like I was just emailing yesterday! Anyways. I'm staying in Napier and my companion is second phasing me. 
 Last week, after emailing, it rained and we had to bike home in it. It was *literally* (said like Chris Traeger) the coldest I've ever been. 

Tuesday: We have an old couple we visit, whose daughter needed help to put together an aluminum shed. So of course we offered to help and we did it! Neither one of us had done it before, but we got it up and it stayed together so I'm really proud of it. I would've taken a picture, but I forgot my camera.... And. I had pizza for breakfast and for dinner. Someone go and have Dominos for me. It's not nearly as good here. Or as big. LAME.

Wednesday: We went and played housie at the old folks home again. They're my favorite. One lady was super excited that we came and could play with her, and the she feel asleep like 14 seconds in and didn't wake up. hahahaha. 
We visited a less-active family, and we saw the husband because he was home from work! Turns out, Bronson Kaufusi's dad is his cousin! So that's cool. Anyways. As we talked, he said that he really wants to get his family back to church and invited us inside to give him and his wife a blessing. We had never been invited in before! I loved it so much. The blessings were powerful and the spirit was so strong. 

Thursday: We had district meeting and then mowed some one's lawn. and I don't remember much else of what we did...

Friday: Weekly Planning and stuff, we talked to a lady who hadn't been to church in something like 20 years and, through the incredible gift of the spirit, she agreed to have us come and read the Book of Mormon with her and answer her questions about it! 
We had our first correlation meeting with our new ward mission leader, and he's incredible. He has a vision of where he wants our ward and I know it'll get there. He's the right man for the job. 

Saturday: We helped a sister move something like 600 ceramic molds out of her shed and into a truck that someone brought. It was something like 6 hours, but service is good things. We went door knocking and then had dinner and made a few visits.

Sunday: Basically, we had church, had about 4309720934 people not be home after church, and then had dinner with George and Liz, or in other words, my grandparents in New Zealand. They love the missionaries so much. I'll send a picture soon.
Gorgeous Sunset
Here's something I wrote in my letter to President Hudson: This week has been really good. Every week is really good. I think it's been one of the hardest weeks I've had, but the last couple days I was able to feel very close to Heavenly Father. I had a rough few days in the beginning of the week, they weren't terrible but I didn't feel the comfort and joy that the spirit has brought me so much nearly as strong as I had and I really didn't like it. One day, I prayed and told Heavenly Father that there was something missing and I wasn't doing enough to be happy. I asked Him to please show me what it was that I needed to do better in the Book of Mormon so that I could be happier. I read a couple chapters from Jacob and was very humbled to realize that my prayers had been lacking. I had been praying, and still receiving answers, but I looked and realized that my prayers had become routine and were very much lacking in emotion. I wasn't pleading with Heavenly Father or feeling overwhelmed with gratitude. It's not very easy for me to pray with so much emotion every single time, but because Heavenly Father has given me everything and can help me with and through everything, I think He deserves everything I have when I pray to Him. I found that as I tried to do that, my days got a lot brighter and I have been able to be happier. It's incredible to see how aware of me Heavenly Father really is.

I love you all! 


Elder Benjamin
They say if your badge is wet that you'll have a pretty wife. So that's neat.