
New Transfer

So, I've learned quite a few valuable lessons this week and some pretty amazing things have happened. 

A while ago, we committed two kids to baptism. We've passed their set date and the baptism hasn't happened yet. This week, we came around to teach them about the Book of Mormon and commit them to read it and the spirit told me to re-teach the Restoration. As we did, the spirit was so strong, and for the first time, as I recited the verses from JSH about the "pillar of light" the spirit came flooding into the room. I had felt that as other, older missionaries had told the story and I was always wondering when I would be able to bring the spirit like that. It happened. I walked away from the lesson, knowing that I'm a successful missionary and actually knowing, for the first time, that Joseph Smith really did see Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in the Sacred Grove. I can't even begin to say how grateful I am for that experience. 

As I've started training and being a district leader and leading out my area, I have about 12089762893064 things that are stacked against me, more than 1/2 of them come from how small my ward is. As I've gone through this week, with a renewed desire to be exactly obedient, be diligent, and have faith, I've felt the Savior carrying me through this week. I've finally felt and recognized what the Enabling Power of the Atonement feels like. It's absolutely incredible. 

Things are just working out with me and my new companion being exactly obedient. It really does bring miracles. 

I love you all!

Elder Benjamin

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