

So. There's been a few milestones this week. Hence, the subject of the email.

I'm finished with my training!! That's pretty neat. I'm a "real" missionary now, according to everyone. 

I have officially gained ten pounds...... 

Also, on Thursday Morning, President Hudson called us about 5 minutes before Personal Study was about to start. My stomach dropped and my heart started racing because I knew that if he calls on the Thursday before transfers, he tells you that you're going to train. He wanted to talk to me and my companion and this is what happened. He said that my companion would be training a new missionary and whitewashing in a new zone. He then told me that I'm gonna be training a new missionary as well and that I'll be the new district leader.

Obviously, I was pretty overwhelmed by this new call. Seems to be pretty normal. But I've been overwhelmed with the spirit and that the Lord will help me do this. A couple days before the call came, between an inspired letter from a friend and my patriarchal blessing, I was overwhelmed with the spirit and realization that I've been a successful leader in the past and that I've been able to help people and I've felt since the call that Heavenly Father and the Savior are aware of me and they're going to work through me. All I need to do is exercise my faith and let them do the hard work because that's how it always seems to work in the gospel and it's brilliant. 

Other than that, the work has been going pretty slow, but I've been blessed with some really good ideas on how to work with different people and to really start progressing my area. I love you all! Love, Elder Benjamin

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