
September 7, 2015

The mission is seriously so great. I love being able to give so much of my time to learn and study about the gospel and to serve others. It's the biggest blessing.
So Tuesday was exchange day and since my companion is a district leader, I went with one of the zone leaders. He's from Australia so that's pretty neat. We visited a referral and got a potential investigator and taught someone who's coming back to church from Gospel Principles. He's a fantastic missionary.
Wednesday: We went and played a game that's basically the NZ version of bingo at a nursing home. I sat next to a lady who couldn't quite do it on her own, and she ended up falling asleep during the game. Another lady was swearing and cheating the whole time. One lady couldn't understand anything we said and would ask what the number was again every time after we said it. The old guys were flirting with the girls. I love old people. We taught our first lesson to three kids whose parents love the church, the spirit was really strong.
Thursday: We do a lot of visits to less actives and old couples. The progress is really slow with them, but it's always great to be able to visit them and bring the spirit into their home.
Friday: We drove out to the end of our area and taught a guy from gospel principles. We visited a less active dad whose name I don't actually know, and he came to church on Sunday because of us! That was neat.
Saturday: We had a lot of people that weren't home or just talked to us on their porch so that was lame. A family in the ward had us over for dinner and that was great. They're a strong family in the church and so the spirit in their house made it feel like home. He told us that he's gonna be sustained as the new ward mission leader and that's such a blessing because he's so passionate about it and willing to serve.
Sunday: We taught priesthood without warning this Sunday and I accidentally played one hymn in sacrament meeting so now they expect me to play every week. On a serious note, I would really appreciate everyone's prayers for me so that I can learn the hymns well. After church, we took the sacrament to Tommy again and he told us at the end that he's sure he'll have a good week because, "you elders came to visit me and I took the sacrament." He has such a powerful spirit and I can feel how much he loves the Savior even just by sitting next to him. The bishop and his wife fed us dinner again and then we ended our night by an older couple that doesn't have any family around so the missionaries are about their only visitors. They aren't members, but they always give us food and talk to us and they love having us over so much.
The work is fairly slow, but it's so fulfilling. Even when we knock doors for an hour and nobody wants to hear what we have to say, it's so easy to be happy about it all.
Love, Elder Benjamin

-I Love the Lord-

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