

This is "literally" my favorite missionary!
Kia ora whanau! 

As always, this week was great. Well, I guess I've had a few hard weeks, but most of the time they're great! Like this one was. 

Elder A and I were talking and realized that, if all goes to plan, we'll go from having one investigator to having 7 in just a couple weeks!! Now, it hardly ever all goes to plan because what's the fun if life works out the way you expect, but it's still such a miracle to have the possibility of teaching so much! 

We had a zone training meeting on Friday and that was really neat. I got assigned to talk about accountability for 10 minutes. Which sounded super daunting at first, but the spirit helped me soooo much and I was able to be really pleased with the discussion I led. 

We started teaching someone named Santana. Her husband is less-active and she's so receptive! She understood all we taught, she asked questions, and she read all of her reading commitment from the Book of Mormon! And, because her name is the same of a very talented guitarist, it makes it really makes it hard to keep that music out of my head. 

Also, as I was typing, I turned the language of the computer to Chinese. That was neat. 

Well, my district is great, the work is great, I'm also pretty great. 

Good things are happening. Like my missionaries getting baptisms. I think we've had one every week this transfer! Speaking of, it's now week six and I'll find out on Thursday or Friday what's gonna happen. Wish me luck!

Elder Benjamin

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